Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mr.HB new Gadget...

Suke betul Mr.HB dpt new gadget.....die sudah upgrade from tongkat sakti ke tongkat hikmat kot..hehehe...Our appointment dgn doctor last week was so berdebar2..atlast Mr.HB dh dibenar kan guna skit kaki yg patah tu...kira 25% weight Mr.HB aje blh beban kat sini...

but how should u know how many kilos you step...so the physio put weight scale and asked Mr.HB to step on and agak2 lah..then practise to balance the weigth ..Mr.HB gabra gilos cz afraid he pressed over the 25% weight..so naive this guy...hehehehe..lebih2 skit tu is acceptable lah dear...but don't do so often...

From now on Mr.HB has to get use with the new gadget..hehehe..mcm gadget IT lak...so at the moment my very carefull and caring Mr.HB will walks very slowly and even our son hakeemi imitating the way he walks..hahaha..so funny...In mean time everybody has to have a lot of patience during this process...which is i'm not at all...hehehe...

To Mr.HB..practise make perfect..




contactlens said...

Gagah tu jalan...... :)

dekja78 said...

skang sudah laju tu...hehehehe